Bioenergetic Testing

The next evolution in Energetic Scanning

The Qest4 is the most advanced, flexible and user-friendly bio-energetic screening system available today. Qest4 tests your response against a wide variety of test signatures that cover everything from the meridian points relating to internal organs, food preferences, environmental contaminants, nutritional factors, toxins, emotional patterns and many more. Whatever your approach to wellness, this system can aid you in obtaining your goals more quickly

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How Does Qest4 Work?

The Qest4 software contains digitally-encoded information relating to a wide range of mental, physiological and emotional factors. The signals are output by the Qest4 hardware as electromagnetic signals during testing. Using a simple and safe low voltage circuit formed by holding two brass cylinders, the response of the body to those signals is recorded. The response being measured is small changes in the electrical resistance of the skin. This information is relayed back to the software. A report is generated on the computer of any responses that are outside specific limits.

Is the Qest4 a Diagnostic Device?

No, but let us be clear about definitions here. ‘Diagnosis’ is derived from a Greek word meaning to ‘discern or distinguish’. In the modern medical context, this means to take a set of symptoms presented by a patient and state that they fit better into the category for disease A, disease B or perhaps disease C. In this way the medical practitioner can choose appropriate treatment, and it is important that he gets it right because the treatment for disease A might have quite negative consequences for a disease B patient, especially if it is surgical.

Qest4 testing does indeed ‘discern’ only in that it records a completely individual set of responses to signals. This may assist a holistic practitioner the approach that is characteristic to such disciplines: “treating the patient, not the disease”. Information obtained may support you in making a traditional diagnosis, if that is something you are trained and licensed to do.

What is the Nature of the Information Obtained by Qest4?

Running a Qest4 test is an example of a process that we call bio-energetic testing. Bio-energetic (or just ‘energetic’) testing is effectively ‘asking the body a question’ and obtaining the response directly from the body’s own physiology, without engaging the conscious and language centers of the mind.

It is helpful to make some comparisons to other techniques that go part of the way towards this. Many people will be familiar with muscle testing or kinesiology. This is another form of bio-energetic testing applied by health practitioners. In kinesiology the question is often asked verbally, or the subject may hold an object or substance that is being tested. The response is measured by changes in the contractile strength of the skeletal muscles, checked manually by the tester. ​

Another informative comparison is the phenomenon of ideo-motor response, which is used by hypnotherapists. When a subject is in a trance state, a set of pre-defined response patterns (e.g. raising one finger or another, which occurs without conscious effort) can be observed to obtain responses to questions about which the subject may have no conscious recollection. This method can be used to recover memories from the unconscious mind, which is thought to store all our experiences, regardless of whether we can ‘remember’ them in normal consciousness.

These examples bear similarities to Qest4 testing, but Qest4 testing goes one step further. The challenges or questions are presented a micropower radio signal output, rather than in words.

What really distinguishes the Qest4 from manual methods and from many of the other devices on the market is the skill and experience that has been brought to bear over 30 years in collecting and refining the digital encoding methods and in improving the technology for recording responses. The latest Qest4 Pro system can run a very large number of tests in a few minutes and thereby build a broad picture of energetic functioning and responses in the client’s body.

So What Exactly Do the Results Signify?

The one definite and unchanging aspect of interpreting the test results is as follows: if an item shows up as unbalanced (usually a red or yellow indication against the item in the displayed list), then that signals that among the potentially hundreds or thousands of items tested, the body gave an above or below average electrical resistance response. ​

In different words, the body-mind system has indicated some kind of reaction to the item being tested, and along the lines of homeopathic treatment, we can use that to ‘remind’ the organism to improve that particular aspect of homeostasis.

Consider a couple of parallels. Firstly, from immunology: introduction to a pathogenic microbe initially causes a disturbance to the body, perhaps quite a serious acute reaction. However, as the information is relayed around the immune system, the body learns to cope with that particular pattern better next time. Secondly, from psychology: a therapist mentions an event in calm conversation to his client and the client breaks down in tears – he has hit a raw nerve. Subsequent discussion desensitizes the event and places it in a context. In both these cases, a repetition of information has allowed the body to become more robustly adapted to its environment.

The Qest4 test is identifying items to which the body / mind system can learn better adaptive behaviors. These items may be as diverse as foods, pathogens, emotional patterns, colors or nutritional and pharmaceutical agents.

$150 per session

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The information provided on this site is for information and educational purposes only.  Information contained should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your doctor and/or healthcare practitioner.  All material presented on the blog ,newsletter or within its communications has been sourced from multiple authors and does not necessarily constitute the opinion of  InterConnective Health.It is provided for general information and educational purposes only.  Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice, nor should the information we provide be seen as a replacement for a consultation with a trusted healthcare provider and General Practitioner. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate. All remedy related information is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas referenced worldwide.

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