
Please note: The following symptoms are from common homeopathic texts, and this description includes uses that may not appear on the labels of all brands of this remedy (referenced from 1-800-Homeopathy .

When poisoned by the roots of this plant (thinking it was the herbal Jasmine), people felt a great heavy, paralytic weakness. When using highly diluted homeopathic doses and applying the Law of Similars, doctors found the homeopathic remedy treated conditions and individuals marked with that same heavy, even trembling, weariness and fatigue.*

Nervous Systems: Gelsemium symptom ‘paralyzed by fear’ is most pronounced when having to perform. If you’ve ever forgotten your lines while on stage, or blanked out on a question in an interview and stood there totally dumbfounded, you know just what this is like. A dose of Gelsemium beforehand can help ease these responses to bring out your best. When dullness of mind, upset 'butterfly' stomach or even anticipation-induced diarrhea prevail over any situation, consider Gelsemium.*

Flu & Colds: Possibly best known for its flu relief, Gelsemium, aids an achy, weak, heavy, yet somewhat restless or trembling cold or flu that gradually builds up to great fatigue. This relief includes diverse symptoms including minor aching fever, chills and congestion; flushed face, droopy eyelids, little thirst, a lump in the throat sensation, pain from throat to ear on swallowing, a dazed, dull mind and much fatigue.*

Pain: A Gelsemium headache is dull, often congestive, with hammering, pulsating, ‘like a tight band’, occipital pain that feels better if you lie still. Its relief extends to minor stiffness and ‘stitching pains’ in the lower back and in irritated red joints that feel worse for motion and better for rest and applied cold.*

Constitutional: Quiet, timid, often low-spirited loners who often want to be left alone can reap the best action of homeopathic Gelsemium. They dread public speaking, exams– any kind of ordeal; fear losing control and falling; and under stress, lack physical, mental and emotional will power. Often its heavy dull disorders follow bad or disappointing news or even a spell of great excitement (ups or downs). Gelsemium is often referred to as the 4 D’s remedy for Dull, Drowsy, Dopey and Dazed.

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The information provided on this site is for information and educational purposes only.  Information contained should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your doctor and/or healthcare practitioner.  All material presented on the blog ,newsletter or within its communications has been sourced from multiple authors and does not necessarily constitute the opinion of  InterConnective Health.It is provided for general information and educational purposes only.  Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice, nor should the information we provide be seen as a replacement for a consultation with a trusted healthcare provider and General Practitioner. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate. All remedy related information is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas referenced worldwide.

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